This is where you can order your personalized copy(ies) of the newest work... Read more
\nI am working hard to finish the Rosary book publication as well as 3 new much requested posts that I just have to finish titles, polishing, and visuals for.
\nPrayers much appreciated 😅
\nYou can get notified when these post by clicking HERE, keep checking the site HERE, or wait 'til next month's update.
\nMeanwhile, lots of thoughts and prayers. Honored to have you!
\n\n","recentPosts":[{"id":6016536,"title":"Is God good? Suffering & the role of Religion","slug":"is-god-good-suffering-the-role-of-religion","status":"published","readingTime":6,"campaignCompletedAt":"2024-07-05T11:20:16.000Z","publishedAt":"2024-07-05T11:20:16.000Z","orderByDate":"2024-07-05T11:20:16.000Z","timeAgo":"9 months","thumbnailUrl":"","thumbnailAlt":null,"path":"posts/is-god-good-suffering-the-role-of-religion","url":"","isPaid":null,"introContent":"Most people use suffering as an excuse not to believe in God because modern religion has told them that if suffering exists, God is indifferent, cruel or evil. At best, many find solace in believing that He will bring good out of it so they should \"praise Him in the storm\".... But, what if it goes sooooo much deeper than this!? Happy July, Reader! This may sound like a weighty topic for the middle of summer, but unfortunately it seems this topic is resonating lately. I was talking to Brian...","campaignId":15764998,"publicationId":12289868,"metaDescription":null},{"id":5745497,"title":"Longing, Purpose, & Summer Rest 🔆⛱🌄","slug":"longing-purpose-summer-rest","status":"published","readingTime":6,"campaignCompletedAt":"2024-06-04T16:32:41.000Z","publishedAt":"2024-06-04T16:32:41.000Z","orderByDate":"2024-06-04T16:32:41.000Z","timeAgo":"10 months","thumbnailUrl":"","thumbnailAlt":"","path":"posts/longing-purpose-summer-rest","url":"","isPaid":null,"introContent":"Happy Tuesday, Reader! It's officially June and we are starting to think about Summer! The dream is all about barbeques, relaxing pool/beach/lake side, and having more time for all the things. We will, of course, enjoy all the summer activities, but in my experience, somehow that summer to-do list never quite gets accomplished. Why, I wonder? Could it be that somewhere there is a disconnect between what we know we need to do and what we are willing to do? Who we want to be and who we are?...","campaignId":15454084,"publicationId":11978880,"metaDescription":null},{"id":5469749,"title":"May is for Motherhood... 🌷 (and new books!)","slug":"may-is-for-motherhood-and-new-books","status":"published","readingTime":3,"campaignCompletedAt":"2024-05-01T15:04:10.000Z","publishedAt":"2024-05-01T15:04:10.000Z","orderByDate":"2024-05-01T15:04:10.000Z","timeAgo":"11 months","thumbnailUrl":"","thumbnailAlt":null,"path":"posts/may-is-for-motherhood-and-new-books","url":"","isPaid":null,"introContent":"Happy May! The month of mothers and flowers and springtime! I hope you are looking forward to it :) For me it has always been a controversial month... the month where I should be joyful but really I'm just stressed out. It's too busy. Too many expectations, too much schoolwork, and muddy laundry, and ticks.... Mother's day should be a day of celebration and gratitude and yet for me it only serves to remind me of all the ways I fall short as a mother. Nobody should have a day that celebrates...","campaignId":15120883,"publicationId":11645673,"metaDescription":null}],"newsletter":{"formId":3780477,"productId":null,"productUrl":null,"featuredPostId":null,"subscribersOnly":false},"isPaidSubscriber":false,"isSubscriber":false,"originUrl":"","creatorProfileName":"ParticularlyCALLED","creatorProfileId":103097}
Hello all!!!If you are new around here just wanted to say a special hello and we are glad to have you, Reader! Here at ParticularlyCALLED, we exist to discover our calling... it may surprise some of us to note that this is remarkably simple. Our fundamental calling is a calling to relationship, intimacy, and union with God. Everything we are and everything we do stems from this. That's why here you will find all things intimacy with God along with how that helps us discover our truest and deepest identity and how to live that out to the best of our ability right where we are. This is the monthly email that comes out sometime in the first week of each month with a seasonal reflection and some kind of gift/ seasonal offering. This month's offering is a project we've been working on all of Lent (and really since last September), that is now being put into book form just in time for Mother's Day. You will find the preorder options below. But if you are looking for Freebies, you are encouraged to check out the Freebie Library for a myriad of fantastic seasonal offerings. Your password is: IamCALLED
------ APRIL REFLECTIONIf you've never done the Fertile Ground Lent series yet, you may be surprised to learn that Lent is all about Springtime, named specifically for the lengthening of days. It is all about rising to new life from death and winter and hopelessness. Well, springtime has arrived. What are you doing with the new life He has given you to live right now? How can you be more intentional in your pursuit of Him now that it is Easter? How are you diving more intentionally into the life you already have? What is one lesson you learned this Lent and how to you plan to apply it to your Springtime?Please let me know how I can support and encourage you. ------ What does Mary have to do with our relationship with God??Um, basically everything! No, she's not God, but she is real! If Jesus loves His mother, why wouldn't we? Besides, who better than a mother to introduce us to her Son and help us get close to Him in the most efficient and pleasant way possible? Who better than a mother to console us in our trials and encourage us in our labors? (Especially when her greatest dream is to bring us close to Him). And, the Rosary is NOT JUST FOR CATHOLICS This newest work brings her to life for us in a new way and helps us discover a new appreciation for the greatest tool we have for intimacy and joy in this life where suffering is so often the norm. Help support this project by pre-ordering your copy today!(Below is the link to get dedicated copies of the first publication just in time for Mother's Day.) NOTE: You do not HAVE to order your copies below. You will be able to order direct from the publisher (for $15) and still get your copies in time for Mother's Day (There will be a product link in the May email), they just won't have the option of a handwritten dedication, the free gift, or free shipping. ----- This month...I am working hard to finish the Rosary book publication as well as 3 new much requested posts that I just have to finish titles, polishing, and visuals for.
Prayers much appreciated 😅 You can get notified when these post by clicking HERE, keep checking the site HERE, or wait 'til next month's update. Meanwhile, lots of thoughts and prayers. Honored to have you! Happy Easter!!!Always, <3 |
A monthly newsletter on living our seasons well, living in the moment, living our calling, and ever deepening the intensity of our relationship with God. Reflections, Updates, and Freebies.
Most people use suffering as an excuse not to believe in God because modern religion has told them that if suffering exists, God is indifferent, cruel or evil. At best, many find solace in believing that He will bring good out of it so they should "praise Him in the storm".... But, what if it goes sooooo much deeper than this!? Happy July, Reader! This may sound like a weighty topic for the middle of summer, but unfortunately it seems this topic is resonating lately. I was talking to Brian...
Happy Tuesday, Reader! It's officially June and we are starting to think about Summer! The dream is all about barbeques, relaxing pool/beach/lake side, and having more time for all the things. We will, of course, enjoy all the summer activities, but in my experience, somehow that summer to-do list never quite gets accomplished. Why, I wonder? Could it be that somewhere there is a disconnect between what we know we need to do and what we are willing to do? Who we want to be and who we are?...
Happy May! The month of mothers and flowers and springtime! I hope you are looking forward to it :) For me it has always been a controversial month... the month where I should be joyful but really I'm just stressed out. It's too busy. Too many expectations, too much schoolwork, and muddy laundry, and ticks.... Mother's day should be a day of celebration and gratitude and yet for me it only serves to remind me of all the ways I fall short as a mother. Nobody should have a day that celebrates...